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Management policy

  Fujian Jiamei group companies in the development of enterprises and the process of expansion has been in the pursuit of satisfaction with the products and services provided to customers; environmental pollution and energy consumption is reduced to a minimum; provide the beautiful environment of the workplace to employees.

· management policy is:

full participation, pioneering, truth-seeking innovation, improve quality; accurate measurement, practise economy, focus on prevention, protect environment.

·Its connotation:

jiamei strength

  The company set up, implement, maintain and continuously improve the quality of the environment monitoring and management system based on the ISO9001/ISO14001/ISO10012/FDA standard measurement, provide high quality environmental protection products for customers, to meet customer demand.

in all business activities, abide by the laws and regulations of quality, environment, measurement and monitoring and other requirements.

adhere to the quality and environmental protection principle, in ensuring product quality at the same time, efforts to improve the environment, to carry out pollution prevention and resource conservation.

in this direction, the rational allocation of resources, scientific formulation and reviewing quality objectives, environmental objectives and consumption index.

Comprehensive management system (index) issued to

  In order to achieve the company's quality, environment, measurement, lead and cadmium content to meet the requirements, the following objectives formulated (index):

, management objectives:


Calculation method
Applicable time
Quality Management Department
QC point average monthly assessment ≥ 93.5
QC point assessment average = the QC points monthly assessment score ÷ month assessment of the total number of < / td >
The month finished product sampling pass rate ≥ 95 %
finished sampling pass rate = month finished sampling receiver frequency ÷ month finished sampling the total number of 100 %
Customer product batch complaint rate ≤ 3 ‰
customer product batch complaint rate = annual complaints batch ÷ annual shipments batch x 100 % < / td >
May lead and cadmium in the amount of melt out for inspection pass rate ≥ 95 %
month the amount of lead and cadmium melt out for inspection pass rate = May lead and cadmium in the amount of melt out of the submission receiving frequency ÷ month lead cadmium melt out of the total number of 100 % inspection
Production Management
Production tasks reached a rate of ≥ 96%
The timely completion of batch production batch number × 100 % ÷
equipment maintenance timely rate ≥ 98 %
Application is made , the day maintenance ÷ apply for the maintenance of the total number of 100 %
Supply Ministry
The compulsory verification measurement equipment inspected rate of 100 %
Non- mandatory testing measuring equipment tested rate of 95%
Development Center
Customer requirements the spline timely rate of 100%




Environmental objectives and indicators :

1 . Eliminate fire accidents, fires zero.

2 . Solid waste reasonably separate collection , recycling and processing - a variety of solid waste (including hazardous waste ) reasonable disposal rate of 100 %

to achieve these objectives (indicators) , in various departments to develop appropriate targets ( indicators) , and specifies the responsibilities of various staff positions , see specific compilation of various departments and job responsibilities . Require all employees to actively participate , emphasizing the various departments share the responsibility, to achieve the above objectives , the principle of comprehensive management system .

jiamei strength